A Return to Indoor Worship starting this Sunday, May 30
“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place.” (Acts 2.1)
It’s been a long time coming, but we’re excited to gather together again for worship inside our sanctuary! Our leaders have made this decision based on discernment of safe practices using guidance from the Presbytery, CDC, the State of North Carolina, and the real-world experience of other PC(USA) congregations. Please bear with us as this is a work-in-progress.
Here’s what you need to know about Sunday:
• Worship is at 11:00 am - Doors will open no earlier than 10:45. For the time being, the service will last approx. 40 minutes and feature a streamlined order of worship.
• Masks are required for anyone who has not yet been fully vaccinated, including children 12 and under. Let’s be considerate of the health of children who are not yet eligible for vaccinations. Please know that if you’re fully vaccinated and would feel more comfortable wearing a mask, you’re welcome to do so. Masks will be available at the doors for those who need them.
• Distancing is encouraged. We’ve got plenty of room, so please put some space between you and other families. The Ushers will assist in seating worshippers.
• Visiting/fellowship should be done outdoors before or after the service.
• Worshippers are asked to refrain from hugs and handshaking for the time being.
• Offering plates will be at the doors for your use upon entering or exiting the sanctuary.
• For those who are not yet comfortable worshipping indoors, we will continue to broadcast the service to our parking areas on 91.5 FM.
• Please stay home if you are feeling ill or have been in contact with someone who is sick.
• Eventually we will resume recording our worship services and post them to YouTube on Sunday afternoons.
Please note, while we hope to make things as safe as possible (with your cooperation), in this time of COVID, any gathering involves some amount of risk. Please err on the side of caution when deciding whether or not this is an appropriate activity for yourself or the people in your household.
Thank you in advance for your patience and cooperation.
The Session has called for the Annual Meeting of the Congregation to take place Sunday, March 7 at 2:00 pm. We believe the safest, most effective way to conduct this meeting is via Zoom Video/Audio Conference. Instructions and a link to join the Zoom meeting will be emailed to members next week. The printed Annual Report is available to download (PDF)--use link below. Printed copies will be mailed on request. We look forward to having you join us.
>>>SESSION UPDATE 10-23-2020<<<
Out of continuing caution and care for our congregation, the Session voted last week to extend the suspension of indoor worship/activities through the remainder of the year. We will continue the weekly worship videos as well as the outdoor worship gatherings (weather permitting). Information was mailed to members, but you can read the full text here. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.
>>>SESSION UPDATE 7-28-2020<<<
"So then, let’s work for the good of all whenever we have an opportunity, and especially for those in the household of faith." (Galatians 6:10;CEB)
We wanted to touch base and provide you with a status update on our discussions surrounding in-person worship.
The Session continued its discussion this week about the possible return to in-person worship. We remain concerned over the high number of cases in New Hanover County and the state as a whole. As always, our primary concern is for the health and well-being of our congregation, and as such, we do not feel it is safe to gather together. Therefore, we are in agreement with the recommendations from the Presbytery of Coastal Carolina, and will continue our suspension of in-person worship at least through the month of August, maintaining our current online worship format. We will meet again next month to re-evaluate.
We appreciate your patience and encourage you to continue watching the church’s weekly worship videos. We also remind you to do your best to maintain your financial giving. You can mail a check to the church, or donate online at our website.
The Session of Cape Fear Presbyterian Church
At its meeting on June 30th, the Session voted to continue the suspension of in-person worship through at least the month of July. Click here to read the entire statement.
UPDATE 5-21-2020
The Session met Tuesday night, May 19, via video conference and after a wide-ranging conversation about the safety and health of our members, voted to keep the church closed for a few more weeks. Read the full statement here.
UPDATE 5-17-2020
The Session will be meeting via video conference on Tuesday and assessing how and when we can offer some form of in-person worship. The recommendation from Presbytery is to continue the suspension of activities until at least June 1. Until such a time as we feel it is safe to gather, we invite you to continue worshipping from home.
UPDATE 3-24-20
For the well-being of our church family, the Session has extended the temporary suspension of all church activities until at least May 1