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Church Leaders: Elders & Deacons


In the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Deacons and Ruling Elders (and Teaching Elders (Ministers)), men and women, are individuals called by God, and chosen by the people, to exercise various gifts for leadership. The work of the Deacons is organized around the three broad areas of "witness, compassion and service."  The Elders are use their gifts for leadership, government, and discipline.  Together with the Minister of Word and Sacrament, Deacons and Elders lead God's people in the local congregation.


Ministry Teams/Leaders for 2023

Finance: Ed Scharff (Ed Scharff Treasurer)

Mission: Marge Jennings, Carolyn Dunnavant

Personnel: Pam Cameron, Sandy Smith

Property: Mary Ann Moore, Jimmy Brigman

Strengthening of the Church (SOC)/Fellowship: Pam Cameron, Jennifer Gentry

Worship: Brenda Brown, Lynn Taylor

Clerk of Session: Denise Angevine


2022 Deacons

Yvonne Brigman

Danny Davidson

Pat Harker

David Pitts

Mary Carter

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